Parlementair debat over Marshallplan talen

Naar aanleiding van ons opiniestuk (Knack 01/10/2019 – ‘Ons taalonderwijs heeft nood aan een marshallplan‘) vond er op 3 oktober een parlementair debat plaats, naar aanleiding van een vraag van Vlaams parlementslid Jo De Ro.

— vanaf 12:45 —

Onder andere Minister Hilde Crevits, Jo De Ro (Open Vld), Koen Daniëls (N-VA) en Jos De Meyer (CD&V) reageerden op onze oproep.

Marshallplan taalonderwijs

Opiniestuk – Knack – Vrije Tribune Rik Vosters, Elisabeth Bekers, Alex Housen, Stefanie Keulen, Katja Lochtman, Marie-Eve Michot, Esli Struys, Claire Swyzen en An Vande Casteele — Vrije Universiteit Brussel De kritieke situatie van het talenonderwijs en de afnemende talenkennis in Vlaanderen moeten een halt worden toegeroepen. Taal- en letterkundigen van de Vrije Universiteit […]

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Language planning, maintenance and shift: Chinese and European perspectives

Colloquium LANGUAGE PLANNING, MAINTENANCE AND SHIFT: CHINESE AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES Vrije Universiteit Brussel 19-20 September 2018 Language maintenance and shift is a major issue in the study of linguistic communities in a migration contexts, and several studies have dealt with the issue concerning Chinese communities overseas. However, maintenance and shift are also central themes in […]

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Welcome to my personal webpage. Here, you can find information on my ongoing research projects, my publications, my curriculum, and the courses I teach. In the posts below on this landing page, you can find news and announcements of upcoming events. Feel free to get in touch or book an appointment if you have any […]

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Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum (HSYRF)

The Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN), as sponsored by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) as part of its Historical Sociolinguistics Research and Training Program, is proud to announce the first edition of the Historical Sociolinguistics Young Researchers Forum (HSYRF). This new yearly event is aimed at early career researchers – MA and PhD students, postdocs, and […]

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Thematic panel: Revisiting Haugen – Alternative histories of standardization

Thematic panel at the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLAVE 9 – Universidad de Málaga), with Gijsbert Rutten. With contributions by John E. Joseph (Edinburgh), Anja Voeste (Giessen), Raymond Hickey (Duisburg-Essen), Bob Schoemaker (Leiden), Stephan Elspaß (Salzburg), José del Valle (CUNY New York) & Wendy Ayres-Bennett (Cambridge). 6 June 2017.

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